About Us

This brand was started because we feel there is a need for our message to be shared with people especially men in America. Weather you are hunting for food or hunting for work or clients to feed your family you fit in here! We believe every man should know how to provide for themselves and their family in any situation. We cover all topics from hunting, fishing, firearms and all other outdoor activities. As well as success in life and business reaching freedom on every level! 

Why we chose this logo: 

The scope is for putting crosshairs on your target! No matter what your hunting you need a way to zoom in on it. 

The buffalo means keep pushing forward through the storm 0 option mentality. The American buffalo will run towards a blizzard because its the only way out. Run towards your problems not away from them. That is why we say be a fucking buffalo!!

The fish stands for fishing and to just keep swimming never give up no matter the circumstances! 

The rifle stands for our second amendment and right to bear arms shall not be infringed! We are from the constitution state after all.

Finally the stack of cash. This stands for financial freedom! As well as health and wealth. Living an above average lifestyle!

Thank you for supporting us and the pro freedom movement!


Hayden Bartlett, Founder of Hunt or Be Hunted